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Package: com.neuromd.neurosdk

Device search and creation class. Designed to search for available devices. It is also designed to create an instance of a device class based on information about the device.

Important information:

To search and create devices, it is necessary that the hardware supports BLE, as well as that the application has permission to use BLE and GPS, while BLE and GPS modules must be enabled separately, since the SDK does not provide this functionality. More details.

The search for devices starts immediately after the class is instantiated.

Includes the following fields:



Context: Application context

DeviceType: Device type, must be specified Brainbit

More details: DeviceType


List of descriptions of found devices


Instantiate the device class based on the device description.

More details: Device


Stop searching and release the resources of an instance of this class. The method must be called after you have finished working with it and created, if required, device class instances.


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