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Latest version: `1.0.19`

The MacOS version is designed for OS >= 10.14.

By Pods:

Add to Podspec file:

pod 'neurosdk2', '1.0.19'

And run `pod install` command.

You can install framework manually:

1. download macos folder from GitHub
2. add `libneurosdk2.dylib` to `Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content` section of your project
3. set `Embed` to `Embed & Sign`
4. add headers from folder `Headers` folder to project

Import library to ObjC:

#import <neurosdk.h>


To Swift:
1. add `<file name>-Bridging-Header.h` to your project
2. add `neurosdk.h` to `<file name>-Bridging-Header.h`:

#ifndef demo_Bridging_Header_h
#define demo_Bridging_Header_h

#import <neurosdk.h>

#endif /* demo_Bridging_Header_h */

3. add path to `<file name>-Bridging-Header.h` into `Build settings`->`Swift Compiler - General`->`Objective-C Briging Header`


Then you need to add a key to `Info.plist` because it uses Bluetooth:

<string>Explanation to using bluetooth</string>

For XCode 15.xx you need to turn off the sandboxing.