Package: com.neuromd.neurosdk
Data channel of electroencephalographic (EEG) signal indices. The channel determines the rhythms by the EEG signal: alpha, beta, delta, theta. Heir to the base channel class BaseChannel. Notification of new data in the channel is carried out only when the device is connected and the signal is being picked up.
Includes the following fields:
EegIndexChannel |
Constructor |
Options: T3: EEG signal data channel from the T3 overlay area. T4: EEG signal data channel from the T4 overlay area. O1: Data channel of the EEG signal from the overlapping area O1. O2: EEG signal data channel from the O2 overlay area.
T3, T4, O1, O2: Channel class instances EegChannel. |
ReadData |
A method that returns the requested amount of data. The resulting values contain information about EEG rhythms. |
Options: offset: Offset from the start of data
length: The required number of EEG rhythm values. If there is not enough data in the channel, then they will be filled with zeros.
Return values: data array EegIndexValues, size length. |
© Copyright 2016 - 2025 | BrainBit - EEG wearable headband | All Rights Reserved
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