Package: com.neuromd.neurosdk
Meditation state data feed. The analysis of the state is carried out on the basis of the EEG index channel - EegIndexChannel. Meditation data includes two indicators: level, level progress. The level can take values from 0 to 3 inclusive. The level progress takes values from 0 to 1.
Includes the following fields:
MeditationAnalyzer |
Constructor |
Options: indexChannel: Instance of data channel class EegIndexChannel. |
Level |
Meditation level. Integer value from 0 to 3 inclusive. |
LevelProgress |
Progress of the current meditation level. Floating point number from 0 to 1. |
LevelChanged |
An instance of the signature class for the meditation level change event SubscribersNotifier. |
The callback function in the param field contains the value of the current level |
LevelProgressChanged |
An instance of the signature class for the progress change event of the current meditation level SubscribersNotifier. |
The callback function in the param field contains the progress value of the current level |
Close |
End work with the channel. |
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