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Package: com.neuromd.neurosdk

Spectrum power data channel. Heir to the base channel class BaseDoubleChannel. Spectrum power is calculated based on arrays of SpectrumChannel, channels specified in the constructor.

Includes the following fields:




channels[]:Spectrum channel array SpectrumChannel.


lowFrequency: The lower limit of the frequency for calculating the spectrum power in Hz.


highFrequency: The upper limit of the frequency of the spectrum power calculation in Hz.


name: An arbitrary text channel identifier.


windowDuration: Spectrum calculation window size in seconds.


overlapCoeff: Calculation window overlap factor. Values range from 0 to 1, where 0 is no overlap and 1 is maximum overlap



Calculation window overlap ratio: 0.95.


channels[]:Spectrum channel array SpectrumChannel.


lowFrequency: The lower limit of the frequency for calculating the spectrum power in Hz.


highFrequency: The upper limit of the frequency of the spectrum power calculation in Hz.


name: An arbitrary text channel identifier.


windowDuration: Spectrum calculation window size in seconds.



Spectrum calculation window size: 8 seconds.

Calculation window overlap factor: 0.95.


channels[]:Spectrum channel array SpectrumChannel.


lowFrequency: The lower limit of the frequency for calculating the spectrum power in Hz.


highFrequency: The upper limit of the frequency of the spectrum power calculation in Hz.


name: An arbitrary text channel identifier.


Method for setting the size of the spectrum calculation window in seconds.


Method of setting the coefficient of overlap of the calculation window. Values range from 0 to 1, where 0 is no overlap and 1 is maximum overlap


Static method for calculating spectrum power based on spectrum array.


lowFrequency: The lower limit of the frequency for calculating the spectrum power in Hz.


highFrequency: The upper limit of the frequency of the spectrum power calculation in Hz.


spectrum[]:Spectrum data array


frequencyStep: Spectrum calculation step in Hz.