Class of the channel that is the data source for displaying the EEG signal It inherits from the base channel class NTBaseChannel. Notification of new data in the channel carried out only when the device is connected and the signal pickup is started.
NTEegChannel |
Constructor. Channel creation. Creates an EEG data channel. Return value: Description: EEG channel Data type: NTEegChannel |
NTEegChannel |
Constructor. Channel creation. Creates an EEG data channel. Parameters: device Description: Device class instance Data type: NTDevice channelInfo Description: information about the channel being created Data type: NTChannelInfo Return value: Description: EEG channel Data type: NTEegChannel? |
NTEegChannel |
Constructor. Channel creation. Creates an EEG data channel. Parameters: baseChannel Description: Signal channel Data type: NTBaseChannel? Return value: Description: EEG channel Data type: NTEegChannel? |
readData |
Function. Channel data request. Method that returns the requested amount of data. Parameters: offset Description: Offset from the start of the data Data type: UInt length Description: Required number of signal samples. Data type: UInt Return value: Description: array of requested reports Data type: [NSNumber]. |