#include “csignal-channel.h”
EEG signal synchronous data channel. Designed for synchronous data acquisition from four overlay locations (T3, T4, O1, O2). Heir to the base class of AnyChannel channels. The receipt of new data in the channel is carried out only when the device is connected and the signal pickup is started (CommandStartSignal).
create_BrainbitSyncChannel |
Function. Creating a channel of synchronous EEG signal data. Creates a channel of synchronous data EEG signal. Options: device_ptr Description: pointer to the currently connected device Data type: Device* Return value: Description: EEG signal synchronous data channel Data type: BrainbitSyncChannel*. |
BrainbitSyncChannel_get_buffer_size |
Function. Channel buffer request. Lets get the channel buffer. channel Description: pointer to synchronous data channel Data type: BrainbitSyncChannel* out_buffer_size Description: pointer to the length of the channel buffer. Data type: size_t * Return value: Description: An indication of an error. More details sdk_error Data type: int. |
BrainbitSyncChannel_read_data |
Function. Channel data request. A method that returns the requested amount of data. The resulting values contain information on the four overlap locations. Options: channel Description: data channel pointer Data type: BrainbitSyncChannel* offset Description: Offset from the start of data Data type: size_t length Description: The required number of signal samples. If there is not enough data in the channel, then they will be filled with zeros. Data type: size_t out_buffer Description: an array of synchronized EEG signal data, size of length. Data type: BrainbitSyncData * buffer_size Description: desired buffer size. Data type: size_t samples_read Description: size of data read. Data type: size_t * Return value: Description: An indication of an error. More details sdk_error Data type: int. |
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