#include “c_eeg_channels.h”
Meditation state data feed. The analysis of the state is carried out on the basis of the EEG index channel - EegIndexChannel. Meditation data includes two indicators: level, level progress. The level can take values from 0 to 3 inclusive. Level progress takes values from 0 to 1.
create_MeditationAnalyzer |
Function. Channel creation. Creates a meditation state data feed. Options: index_channel Description: EEG signal indices data channel. Data type: EegIndexChannel* Return value: Description: meditation channel Data type: MeditationAnalyzer* |
MeditationAnalyzer_delete |
Function. Deleting the Meditation State Data Channel. Options: analyzer Description: Instance of the meditation state data class Data type: MeditationAnalyzer* |
MeditationAnalyzer_level |
Function. Meditation Level Request. Allows you to get the level of meditation. Integer value from 0 to 3 inclusive. analyzer Description: meditation state channel Data type: MeditationAnalyzer* out_level Description: meditation level Data type: int * Return value: Description: An indication of an error. More details sdk_error Data type: int. |
MeditationAnalyzer_level_progress |
Function. Requesting the progress of the current meditation level. Allows you to get the progress of the current level of meditation. Floating point number from 0 to 1. analyzer Description: meditation state channel Data type: MeditationAnalyzer* out_level_progress Description: progress meditation level Data type: double * Return value: Description: An indication of an error. More details sdk_error Data type: int. |
MeditationAnalyzer_set_level_changed_callback |
Function. Changing the level of meditation. Subscribes to the meditation state channel level change event. Options: analyzer Description: meditation state channel Data type: MeditationAnalyzer* (MeditationAnalyzer *, int, void *) Description: pointer to the method for handling the meditation level change event Data type: void(*callback) handle Description: meditation level change event listener Data type: MeditationLevelListener* user_data Description: any data structures will be passed to the event listener Data type: void * Return value: Description: An indication of an error. More details sdk_error Data type: int. |
MeditationAnalyzer_set_level_progress_changed_callback |
Function. Changing the progress of the current meditation level. Subscribes to the event of changing the progress of the current level of the meditation state channel. Options: analyzer Description: meditation state channel Data type: MeditationAnalyzer* (MeditationAnalyzer *, double, void *) Description: pointer to the method for handling the event of changing the progress of the current meditation level Data type: void(*callback) handle Description: listener for progress change events of the current meditation level Data type: MeditationLevelProgressListener * user_data Description: any data structures will be passed to the event listener Data type: void * Return value: Description: An indication of an error. More details sdk_error Data type: int. |
free_MeditationLevelListener |
Function. Removing the listener changing the level of meditation. Removes the listener changing the level of meditation. handle Description: listener changing the level of meditation Data type: MeditationLevelListener |
free_MeditationLevelProgressListener |
Function. Removing the listener for changing the progress of the current meditation level. Removes the listener for changing the progress of the current meditation level. handle Description: listener to change the progress of the current level of meditation Data type: MeditationLevelProgressListener |